Podcast: Creating a Stellar Home Buyer Experience – Shawn McGuire

Shawn McGuire

This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Shawn McGuire of Celebrity Homes joins Greg and Kevin to discuss why home builders must create a stellar home buyer experience, especially in the current housing market.

Home builders need to be ready and willing to adapt to home buyers’ needs, especially when market conditions demand it. Shawn says,

“One thing builders have to learn is we have to learn to change. Our consumers, our buyers are constantly changing. And in today’s environment when buyers are paying more for their new home, when they’re investing more for their new home, when their monthly payments might be higher than ever before, and when their down payment is substantially higher, that’s the first thing you have to recognize.”

While there will always be market fluctuations, home builders must ensure their home buyer journey is always superior. Shawn explains,

“In today’s environment, you have got to create a phenomenal buyer’s experience. It’s a must, and let me tell you why. Because a lot of times what you’ll have during the buyer experience is maybe during that buyer experience, interest rates go up. Maybe during that buyer experience, the lumber prices go up. The days of having a roller coaster up and down of a prospect or a buyer, those days are still there, but you’ve got to minimize those ups and downs.”

Home buyers must trust that their builder will give them outstanding service and products during the complete home buying experience. Shawn says,

“The consumer, the prospect, and the buyer, they really do deserve a huge, huge, phenomenal service and opportunity as you’re going through the building process. They need to know that they’re being taken care of that the builder, if not the builder, the builder’s representative, they’re certainly taking care of them during the entire process much more than ever before.”

Listen to this week’s episode to learn more about preserving an excellent home buyer journey in today’s housing market.

About the Guest:

Shawn McGuire has been in the real estate industry since 1987, when he received his real estate license in Las Vegas, Nevada.  After a short blast of “New Realtor Reality,” he found interest in thoroughly learning and understanding sales. More importantly, he wanted to discover 1. why people buy and 2. how to be there when individuals ultimately purchase a new home.

As the Broker and Director of Sales at Nebraska’s largest Production New Home Builder and instructor for the state of Nebraska and NAHB, he’s successfully taken his years of experience and knowledge into his leadership and instructor roles in the New Home Sales Industry.

Shawn actively trains, mentors, and coaches New Home Sales professionals nationwide.  Programs and courses Shawn has trained include New Home Sales Ethics, Asking for The Sale, Understanding Construction, Today’s New Home Buyers, Finance, Comparing New vs. Used, Creating New Home Sales Success, Certified New Homes Sales Specialist, and Certified Aging in Place.

Additionally, Shawn developed WE PEEPS, a template that guides New Home Sales Representatives and Sales Management to the path of mutual success.

While receiving local and national recognition for his Sales and Marketing efforts, Shawn is constantly involved in the daily efforts to ensure both New Home Sales productivity as well as consistent customer expectations and quality service.  In addition, he has been consulting New Home Sales Representatives and Builders for years.