Podcast: The 2024 Home Buyer Conversion Report – Jimmy Diffee

Jimmy Diffee

This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Jimmy Diffee of Bokka Group joins Greg and Kevin to discuss the 2024 Home Buyer Conversion Report, a detailed analysis that will help home builders understand the key influences that cause home buyers to take action.

Home builder digital marketers have endless questions about how to spend marketing time and money effectively. Jimmy says builders ask questions like,

“… what should we invest in to get more visits to our website? Likewise, what should we invest in on our website to get more leads? And then once we have those leads, what should we invest in to nurture those leads to get more appointments? And then once they’re on-site, what should we invest in technology-wise, specifically in content, to convert those to sales?”

Home builders should have timely and trustworthy resources to make informed and effective marketing decisions. Jimmy says,

“ I think that just knowing that whenever we’re collecting this, we’re doing it to give it to other builders. We need this data to be accurate and not anecdotal. Even though this anecdotal evidence, it’s our gut and it’s usually correct, I don’t feel comfortable being able to put that out to the public to say, you should go out and do this because it could vary based on market. There’s so many just variabilities that come along with giving anecdotal data that we’ve tried to eliminate by including these things in the conversion report.”

The main purpose of this report is to support home builder success and to improve the home buyer journey. Jimmy says,

“And so, then we were really able to, in my opinion, give something actionable for the builder that’s looking for the one place. If they only can invest in one, which should it be? They have that answer. They can look based on demographics. Ultimately the goal is spend your money the best that you possibly can to get the best return on that investment and to deliver the best customer experience.

Listen to this week’s episode to learn more about key insights from the 2024 Home Buyer Conversion Report.

About the Guest:

Jimmy is a customer experience expert and keynote speaker for the home building industry. He also provides workshops and customer experience management services for leading builders in the US. Jimmy’s passion is utilizing technology to create a better, more effective home buying process (and most importantly, a better customer experience). He has a background in user-centered design and possesses an intimate knowledge of research and technological tools for creating memorable user experiences.

With 20 years of experience, Jimmy uses customer data to improve home sales, reviews, and referrals through user-centered programs. As the author of the Home Buyer Conversion Report, he’s responsible for conducting usability research at Bokka. As Creative Director, he turns this data into customer experience strategies that work.

He also has been responsible for award-winning campaigns for a variety of industries outside home building. For the past 10 years he’s applied cutting-edge technologies & best-practices from these industries to new home sales programs. Jimmy also serves on judging panels for national builder-industry award shows, determining the best of the best in new home sales, design and marketing throughout the world.

He is the author of the annual Home Buyer Conversion Report, the industry’s leading research showcasing technology’s influence on new home sales.

He is also the visionary of BuilderCX, the most advanced customer survey solution available for the construction industry.