Podcast: Growing Business Through Google Ads – John Horn

John Horn

This week on the Digital Velocity Podcast, John Horn of StubGroup joins Tim and Erik to discuss how E-commerce retailers can maximize their growth through effective Google Ad strategies.

Advertising costs on platforms are continuing to rise while marketing budgets are tightening. John says,

“Cost per clicks seem to always be going up and always getting more expensive to get the same traffic as we used to get. Especially in E-commerce when often margins are very, very tight and there’s not a lot of wiggle room, that has a big impact on things.”

An important aspect of identifying whether ad spend is effective involves tracking. John says,

“So, we do focus a lot on what we can track, what we can see in platform, but we also look at how much total revenue is the company making, how is their ad spend changing over time, how is that comparing to past years.”

Many businesses are not measuring or understanding where their advertising dollars are going. John explains,

“Pay attention to your Google advertising. It sounds really straightforward, but so many businesses who reach out to us looking for help, looking for audits or something, we look at it and it’s not always that hard to see massive opportunities or massive waste. So, just take the time to understand what’s going on.”

Listen to this week’s episode to learn more about how to optimize Google Ad strategies to increase revenue.

About the Guest:

John Horn is the CEO of StubGroup, a digital advertising agency & premier Google ad agency. StubGroup has helped over 2000 clients, across 15k campaigns, with their paid ads and suspension issues. They have generated over half a billion dollars in revenue for their clients across many different verticals including ecommerce, lead generation, B2B, B2C, local services, and more.

John has taught digital advertising to over 100,000 students via online courses and the videos he produces through StubGroup’s YouTube channel have received millions of views. When he’s not marketing, John loves spending time with his wife and two little boys and exploring the Texas countryside he calls home.