Podcast: Understanding the Buyer’s Journey – Greg Shuey

Greg Shuey

This week on the Digital Velocity Podcast, Greg Shuey of Stryde joins Tim and Erik to discuss how understanding the buyer’s journey can transform a brand’s marketing strategy.

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find and acquire new customers and be profitable just by turning on ads, so new methods need to be deployed. Greg says,

“And so, making sure that we’re optimizing and bringing the right customers in that are going to spend the most amount of money that are going to come back and be able to buy over and over again, and then hopefully one day become a brand advocate to where they’re shouting from the rooftops. That takes a very different kind of strategy than just cool, I’ve got a new client. Or cool, we’re going to start doing marketing for this brand, let’s just turn on ads.”

More focused and successful marketing strategies involve gaining more insights about the buyer and their journey. Greg explains,

“Let’s slow down, and let’s look at the customer. Let’s figure out who these people are. Well, first, let’s figure out who your best customer is, and then let’s figure out who they are. Let’s figure out what makes them tick. Let’s figure out how they use the internet to make purchase decisions. And then try to piece together what that overall buyer journey looks like so that we can do better marketing from day one and not have to optimize six months later after we have a bunch of data in the ad platforms and those types of things. We can just get much more dialed in out of the gate.”

To create the best marketing plan, brands must gather information during the entire customer journey and the best way to do that is to ask. Greg says,

“My favorite thing to tell people is your customers will tell you exactly what they’re thinking and how to market to them, you just have to ask, you’ve got to ask the right questions.  If we’re talking to the right customers, you know, the ones that are going to come back and buy again and again from that customer segment like we talked about, they’re hopefully going to tell us how to go find more people just like them.  And if we listen, if we take time to interpret the data, we’ll be able to build the right strategy.”

Listen to this week’s episode to learn more about how knowing more about the buyer’s journey can lead to more effective marketing.

About the Guest:

Greg is CEO & Founder of Stryde, an E-commerce marketing agency. He is a seasoned digital marketer who has worked with thousands of businesses, large and small, to generate more revenue via online marketing strategy and execution.