Of course, if you are like me, then one recurring area that always seems to crop up during these reflective moments is related to healthier eating habits and trying to shed a few (a lot?) of those unwanted pounds.
Here are a few ways to tackle this for your business in 2019…

When times are good, even mediocre marketing efforts can have a decent return, but all campaigns are not created equal. This year, start holding your marketing campaigns more accountable. Ensure that you have clearly defined campaign goals and objectives, that you are tracking performance with the correct analytics, and that you actually review those reports regularly. Trim back the underperforming campaigns and reallocate those funds to run tests in new areas that you may not have tried yet.

Start 2019 with a FREE Digital Marketing Audit
Not sure what to try or where to go next? Let Blue Tangerine do a free Digital Marketing audit and review your existing marketing efforts. We’ll provide you with ideas and suggestions for how to make your digital marketing and your website more effective, and work together with you to create your 2019 execution plan.
Making sure that your marketing investments are generating the best return possible will not only prepare you for a future dip in the market, but also skyrocket you to new heights of lead generation and sales right now.
Contact us today and together let’s make 2019 amazing!