Podcast: Becoming a Home Builder SuperHero – Cory Charles

Cory Charles of The SuperHero Mindset on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast

This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Cory Charles of The SuperHero Mindset joins Greg and Kevin to discuss how home builder sales and marketing professionals can reach new levels of success by discovering the SuperHero within.

Every sales and marketing person has the potential to be a SuperHero, but often we need help discovering the qualities within us that make us exceptional. Cory says,

“I believe with all my core, that every single person on the planet has these amazing abilities inside them… sometimes you just need help unlocking what those are. And if you can do that, whether we’re talking about sales, leadership, marketing, life, I mean, it goes all the way across the board, it can really put you in an amazing place. Sometimes we just need a little help unlocking and unleashing that.”

To recognize those unique abilities or SuperPowers, it’s essential to control mindset first. Cory explains,

“…if you get your mind right, you will get your money right. So, make sure that you’re in charge of your mindset. We do a really good job of protecting all the things in our life. We protect our cars with alarms. We protect our houses with locks. We protect all the things in our world, but we don’t protect our mindset. So, protect your mindset. Make sure that you’re around the right people, having the right conversations, listening to amazing podcasts like this to really better yourself.”

The other part of realizing your SuperPowers is to simply just be your true self. Cory says,

“…really, really understanding that to be at the highest level of success you have to be unapologetically you. You have to be your most authentic self…Man, that is a good place to be, especially when you come from sales, marketing, online sales, whatever you want to call it. If you’re in that place of being your authentic self, I call it unapologetically awesome, that really bleeds into every conversation you have because people feel that genuine nature coming from you, and they feel your desire to help and assist and transform lives. They can feel it from within.”

Listen to this week’s episode to learn how to unlock the SuperHero you have inside.

About the Guest:

Cory “Kxng” Charles, is a Totally Awesome, Dynamic, Super Exciting motivational speaker, author, sales trainer, and Founder of The SuperHero Mindset. Just a kid from Brooklyn as he likes to say, who is dedicated to helping others, including the Underestimated and Overlooked (and especially his Introverted friends) break through their limiting beliefs and achieve their full potential by discovering their own unique SuperPowers. A Human Potential Accelerator if you will. Turning Lambs into Lions daily!

With a background in sales and a passion for psychology (SalesOlogy), he has a unique perspective on the psychological barriers that can hold us back and the strategies we can use to overcome them… oh, and with Style of course.

His burning passion (Hotter than 1,000 Suns) for personal development and human betterment began early in his career, and he has spent nearly two decades sharing his message with audiences around the world in a way that is engaging, interactive, and truly unique. He is a content creator and writer of several topics on motivation, personal growth, and peak performance including my soon-to-be best-selling books “The SuperPower Handbook: Discovering and Unleashing Your Unique Abilities” and “The TOTALLY AWESOME Introverts Guide to Sales Excellence & World Domination.”

As a speaker and trainer, he is known for his captivating and energetic presentations and has delivered keynote speeches at conferences and corporate events that leave audiences feeling inspired and motivated to discover their own unique SuperPowers. He has also trained thousands of individuals on how to increase their productivity and performance by breaking through their limiting beliefs and achieving their goals.

With his passion for human betterment and his proven strategies for success, he is a truly exciting and unique force in the world of personal development. He is dedicated to helping others, especially those introverts become Unapologetically A.W.E.S.O.M.E., break through their limitations, and achieve their dreams in sales, leadership, and in life! And of course, we always Spread Love…It’s the Brooklyn Way.