Podcast: Building Connection With Home Buyers – Christopher Brown

Christopher Brown

This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Christopher Brown of NEXT Group of Companies joins Greg and Kevin to discuss how and why home builder digital marketers should build emotional connections with home buyers earlier in the home buying journey.

Home builders often incorrectly build the home and then try to acquire the buyer. The more productive process would start with connecting with the home buyer first and then building the home. Christopher says,

“…the biggest difficulty that we consistently have is the build it and they will come…we inherit land deals, and we inherit product, and then we go find the buyer. That is such a mistake constantly. Even to this day, builders make that mistake. They either inherit a piece of dirt and they pull a piece of product off the shelf and go, this will work on this piece of dirt, and then we go find a buyer to fit the product instead of the other way around.”

If marketers can create a relationship with buyers earlier in the home buying journey, it is more efficient and cost-effective for the home builder. Christopher explains,

“…the home is an emotional thing. And that’s where marketing kicks in and they build this emotional connection. And if we can start that emotional connection at the dirt, not at the finish, there’s a better opportunity…And if we can come in before we start the dirt, then we can make the entire project that much easier, and you can save money on the overall production of the house…you can actually spend less money on marketing if you start the marketing conversation earlier.”

Home builder digital marketers can build an emotional connection with prospective buyers by communicating a story and by being genuine. Christopher says,

“Storytelling is key. Authenticity is key. How do you put authenticity into a home? We’re one of the last handmade things. We get to make things with a hand. That’s one of the things that is not done anywhere, but we as an industry don’t tell that story. What a cool story to tell.”

Listen to this week’s episode to learn more about how home builder digital marketers can build relationships with home buyers.

About the Guest:

Christopher Brown stands as the Creative Evangelist and Principal of the NEXT group of companies, which includes NEXT New Homes Group, a progressive sales and marketing firm for home builders, NEXT Crafted, Inc., a custom and production home building company, and NEXT Real Estate Group Inc., a personalized resale real estate agency—all located in Northern California.

As a national speaker, Christopher shares his expertise on technology, sales, marketing, and other relevant subjects at various events such as the Pacific Coast Builders Conference, International Builders Conference, and numerous local and regional gatherings. With a Master’s in Residential Marketing (MIRM), he actively imparts knowledge as an instructor for the Institute of Residential Marketing courses with local builder associations across the country.

With nearly three decades of experience in the home building industry, Christopher has worked with both public and private home builders. He is continually dedicated to exploring innovation and state-of-the-art technology in order to enhance operations and customer experiences.

During his leisure time, Christopher journeys around the globe with his wife, Julie, and son, Marcus. He shares their adventures on his travel blog and social media under the theme, “Life’s About Experiences, Not Things.”