Podcast: Home Builder Marketing is All About the Math – Renee Stowe

Renee Stowe

This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Renee Stowe of Renee Stowe Marketing Solutions joins Greg and Kevin to discuss how consistently collecting and analyzing data can boost home builder digital marketing efforts.

The first step to creating a sound home builder digital marketing plan is understanding and defining objectives. Renee says,

“…having a very defined plan or strategy that starts with what your goals are. Is it a revenue thing? Is it a closing thing? Whatever it is, and then you back it up from there. What is it going to take to do that? Marketing is a big part of that, obviously. It’s budget. You can look at it one of two ways. What is it going to take to get us here or what do I have to spend?”

Once those goals are outlined, every marketing approach can be measured up to those targets. Renee explains,

“And then, you create the strategy. You create it at a big picture, a year long.  You create it quarterly and you create it monthly. And then, every single thing you do that goes out the door, that’s your checkpoint. You go back to that. If you’re in line with that, and the messaging might be different in every channel that you’re working within, but if it’s always focused on what your original strategy was then you know you’re going to be effective in everything that you’re doing. And you’re not going to get to the situation where you’ve been pulled in a million directions and you’re just putting out fires. And then you have disconnected messaging going out, and that’s making even the greatest of campaigns ineffective.”

The simplest and most effective way to create, implement, and evaluate a successful home builder digital marketing plan is by tracking and examining data. Renee says,

“And if you were truly looking at every single piece of your data, your marketing spend to all of your digital, you’re going to know exactly what it’s going to cost. That’s just math. It makes it very black and white when you’re putting together a marketing budget against your marketing plan. This is what it costs. This is what our average cost per unit has been. This is our average conversion rate. It’s literally just a mathematic formula.”

Listen to this week’s episode to learn more about how tracking data can improve home builder digital marketing.

About the Guest:

During the first 15 years of Renee’s career, she learned the fundamentals of marketing and sales at two of the nation’s largest homebuilders. Then in 2018, she was sought out by a legendary homebuilder business owner to help launch a brand-new company. She saw an exciting opportunity to create every aspect of a marketing program from the ground up. She couldn’t pass up the challenge. Over the next several years, as they grew and expanded, she developed a strategic, digitally-focused marketing program driven by analytics and data that consistently performed and scaled as they grew. The program is utilized heavily in annual planning, revenue forecasting, and plans for future growth. This experience was a master class for Renee. At that point, she was prepared for the next significant challenge. With the strong desire to expand her reach and see how many other businesses she could help, Renee made the transition to consulting and she is ecstatic to be doing this!