Podcast: Leveraging AI in Home Building Marketing – Jason Rhoads

Jason Rhoads

This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Jason Rhoads of Rhoads Creative joins Greg and Kevin to discuss how home builders can leverage AI in digital marketing to gain insights and improve efficiency.

Home builder digital marketers should not fear AI but embrace it to help them quickly analyze vast amounts of data. Jason says,

“They shouldn’t be worried about it…but they should be using it. In a marketing sense, if you’re doing anything where you’re looking at large sets of data and trying to get analytics out of it or want to look at something that really no human could do, AI has the ability to do it a lot faster. But the speed at which you can do it and what it can process that again, no human could ever do this kind of stuff, is what gives you that insight and gives you that leg up to spend more time doing other things. They should absolutely be doing it. And the best ways I’ve seen is really in taking information that would take any human or any program way too long to process.”

AI can help home builders gain valuable insights, but it can also save them a great deal of time and energy. Jason explains,

“…leverage it because if you don’t, one, you’re just wasting time, but two, also you’re missing out on insights that you could be getting, all kinds of data you could be using, and even some time savings, just straight up time savings if you don’t have to do this or that. You’ve got to leverage it, and if you’re not, you’re wasting your time and energy and not getting the full insights that you could be.”

AI takes experimentation and innovation but can greatly improve marketing strategy. Jason says,

“Get creative. Think outside the box. To leverage this information, you’ve gotta think a little differently about what you do and how your role is and how to better utilize the information you’re getting because now I’ve got this power to go do what I can do. AI is not going to change what you do. AI is not going take out your job. It’s not going to do anything like that. It’s just going to help you make better strategy is what it’s going to do, a hundred percent help you make better strategy.”

Listen to this week’s episode to learn more about how to use AI tools in home building digital marketing.

About the Guest:

Jason Rhoads is the CEO and Owner of Rhoads Creative—a data-first, digital-always marketing agency for home builders and home services companies. He began his career specializing in statistics and analytics for financial service companies and moved to digital marketing over a decade ago. This combination of analytics and digital marketing expertise drives his passion for redefining digital marketing for home builders. His obsession is for Rhoads Creative’s partners to approach digital marketing as a science — fusing research, innovation, and creative thinking to deliver real solutions rooted in ROI.

Jason began implementing AI tools over five years ago to further that obsession. Today, he is part of the beta testing group for ChatGPT and has become an award-winning speaker on how to rethink AI to supercharge sales and marketing. His innovative strategies and expertise have positioned Rhoads Creative at the forefront of digital marketing for the homebuilding industry.