Podcast: Leveraging Automation and AI for Growth – Jason Benedict

Jason Benedict

This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Jason Benedict of Automation Agency joins Greg and Kevin to discuss how home builders can leverage automation and AI to improve efficiency and grow business.

Home builders can use technology to perform recurring, daily tasks and free themselves up to focus on other aspects of business. Jason says,

“So, from a custom home builder standpoint, they’re doing things consistently every single day. A lot of those things are done manually, and a lot of those things are done repetitively. So, when I think about automation, I think about what is the process that a custom home builder is going through consistently each day, and how do we replace the repetitive manual steps with automation?”

Automation can improve customer experience, increase marketing effectiveness, and drive business growth. Jason explains,

“Do you care about your customer and client journey? That’s the first question I have. If the answer is yes, then you need a CRM because if you’re not using automation, your processes, your follow-up are inconsistent. If you want to create consistency and you want to scale, or you want to grow, or you want to create an amazing customer journey, you need automation and you need those systems and processes to find out.”

Fear causes many home builders to hesitate to use automation and AI, so begin with just one thing. Jason says,

“If you’re one of those old-school custom home builders, that’s been reluctant to implement these types of tools and technologies, start small. Try one thing and then implement it.”

Listen to this week’s episode to learn how to implement automation and AI into your home building business.

About the Guest:

Jason is the Co-Founder of Automation Agency. He specializes in providing Custom Home Builders with on-demand executive-level marketing, strategy, and leadership. Jason is a 2x Award-Winning business automation strategist and coach with 25 years of experience. His innovative talents and approach involve working closely with custom home builders to identify growth opportunities, streamline operations, and optimize return on investment.

With a focus on building better systems, processes and implementing multi-channel marketing Automation & AI solutions, Jason’s success is not only attributed to his strategic mindset but also to his ability to inspire and lead cross-functional teams. His hands-on approach ensures seamless execution of growth initiatives while fostering a culture of creativity and innovation. His commitment to driving measurable results and passion for Automation and Artificial Intelligence make him a sought-after expert in the field.