Podcast: Preparing for the Future of SEO – Greg Brooks

Greg Brooks

This week on the Digital Velocity Podcast, Greg Brooks of SearchTides joins Tim and Erik to discuss how businesses can prepare for the future of Search Engine Optimization.

Businesses must expand their perspectives of what SEO means to be able to strategize for the future. Greg explains,

“And if we use search and SEO as phrases to mean Google specifically, we’re losing sight of the fact that ultimately, what this is about is people trying to learn about stuff and us needing to meet them where they are learning about things. And also understanding that people will never stop trying to learn about stuff. And therefore now the game is just about, well, where are people going to learn from and how do I get out ahead of it, and how do I think about the trends and how do I always basically expand?”

Knowing where customers are searching for information won’t be nearly as important as knowing who customers are and what they need. Greg says,

“But it all actually just drives towards one thing, which is understanding your customer, understanding their problems, understanding how you specifically solve their problems better than the 10 other people who look and talk like you, who you’re perfect for within that group and who’s not. And then, if you know those things, now it’s easy to figure out the format, the medium, the channel that you’re going to play in.”

The future success of brands will be dependent on truly knowing the customers. Greg says,

“The businesses of the future that will do well are the ones that will be just customer-driven, not focused on the customer, not prioritizing the customer. Literally, there is nothing else except the customer. Not trying to be the best in class service. They’re just like, we’re only doing things that are best for the customer. I think that’s the ethos that will win tomorrow.”

Listen to this week’s episode to learn more about how to plan for the future of SEO.

About the Guest:

Greg Brooks is a leader and prominent figure in the digital marketing landscape, serving as a partner at SearchTides, a forward-thinking SEO agency. His role is pivotal in shaping the future of effective SEO, leveraging Large-Language Models (LLMs), and navigating the AI-driven era of the internet. With an impressive track record, Greg has successfully collaborated with industry giants such as Home Depot, Zillow, Western Union, and FanDuel.

The 60+ person team at SearchTides has cracked the code of Google’s algorithms, quantifying them into a few thousand ranking factors. This invaluable knowledge is harnessed to provide clients with a competitive SEO advantage. SearchTides’ distinctive approach empowers businesses to construct SEO strategies that not only drive efficient traffic but also unlock new revenue streams.

With a visionary like Greg Brooks at the helm, SearchTides continues to lead the way in the ever-evolving realm of SEO, offering companies the keys to online success in an AI-driven world.