Podcast: Successful Online Sales Counselors – Amberly Mioduszewski

Amberly Mioduszewski

This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Amberly Mioduszewski of Melia Homes Joins Greg and Kevin to discuss how home builders can ensure the success of their Online Sales Counselors.

New and seasoned Online Sales Counselors need ongoing education and coaching to help them continue to be effective. Amberly explains,

“If they are just setting up their program, then please make sure that you are providing the proper tools and the proper training needed for this role because you don’t want to throw someone in and expect them to know how to float or how to swim if they’ve never done it before. Even if there’s online salespeople who are in the sea and maybe their leadership is questioning why they’re not having more of a conversion rate that they were hoping for, make sure that they’re properly trained. Because sometimes they need a little bit more insight.”

It also helps when the onsite sales team understands and values the OSC position in the home buyer journey. Amberly says,

“Make sure that their team, the onsite team, is very familiar and understands what their role is and how they’re there to assist them and to maximize on their customer experience. And please have a CRM. Please have different tools that you’ll need for the most efficient, follow-up and for proper tracking purposes.”

Listen to this week’s episode to learn more about the online sales counselor role.

About the Guest:

Amberly began her journey in the home building industry by temping as an assistant in a sales office for Irvine Pacific. She met some incredible colleagues who then introduced her to the VP of Sales and Marketing, Amber Richard, with Melia Homes. She went on to join the Melia Family at the end of 2021 and although, initially joined as an escrow and marketing coordinator was quickly promoted to Online Sales and Marketing Specialist.

Last year was her first year in the Online Sales seat and not only did it include various challenges such as implementing an Online Sales Process along with maintaining all previous responsibilities for six months, but also such amazing moments from bringing home two bi-annual GSMC Awards, the SoCal MAME Online Rookie Salesperson of the Year, along with the coveted National Rookie Online Sales Counselor of the Year! Last year was such an incredible journey, to say the least, and she cannot wait to see what 2024 will bring!