Podcast: The Power of Content Marketing – Spencer Powell

Spencer Powell

This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Spencer Powell of Builder Funnel joins Greg and Kevin to discuss the power of content marketing for home builders in attracting, engaging, and capturing new home buyers.

Content marketing is a low-pressure way for home builders to distribute valuable and relevant information to potential customers. Spencer says,

“It’s a nice, comfortable way for your prospects to get to know you at a distance. They can binge-watch all your YouTube videos. They can scroll your social media from the comfort of their home behind a screen. They can really get to know you as a person, as an individual, they can see some personality, all of that can come through content. Then when they sit down and meet with you and talk about their project, their comfort level is much higher.”

Content marketing can also help home builders build rapport and trust with future home buyers. Spencer explains,

“You get to add value through content which is a nice benefit to running your marketing program versus I’m just trying to jam stuff in front of people and just get their name and email at any cost. You really actually can build a relationship. People feel like they know your brand, your company, your people by the time they actually do meet you in person or connect with you on a one-to-one basis.”

Content marketing is here to stay and home builders need to embrace it as an important part of their marketing strategies. Spencer says,

“Whatever medium takes shape, 10, 20, 30 years from now, there’s still going to be content marketing, that idea of how do I add value through marketing, educate my buyer, help them make a good decision, and by doing so you will attract more of an audience and that audience will be warmer, they’ll trust you more, and they’ll be excited to buy from you.”

Listen to this week’s episode to learn more about how content marketing can elevate marketing efforts for home builders.

About the Guest:

Spencer Powell is CEO of Builder Funnel, an inbound marketing agency in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Spencer comes from a long line of builders who have been in business for over 110 years now, dating back to his great-grandfather. Spencer got started in marketing when his uncles’ business made a shift from purely home building to adding a remodeling division. When the 2008 economic crash hit, they needed remodeling to support new home revenue until the building demand came back.

Spencer led their digital marketing efforts and helped them grow their remodeling division from $2M to $10M over the next few years. Since then, Spencer has proven his expertise in helping builders, remodelers, and contractors generate more leads and sales using the power of their own company websites.